If you would like to start receiving weekly e-mails please make sure your e-mail address is up to date and in the school system.
Do I have to take an online class?
Yes, current 9th graders must take at least one online class in high school as part of their graduation requirements. It does not have to be done in 9th grade.
What classes can I take?
Students can take a variety of elective classes or can repeat a class in which they have earned a D or F. You can view the Florida Virtual course list at www.flvs.net.
How do I sign up to take a class?
See your guidance counselor to help you choose an appropriate class and pick up a parent permission form. Students will then set up an online account at www.flvs.netand request the course. When students return the parent permission form, the counselor will approve the class.
How do I request to see my guidance counselor?
Students should ask their teacher for a guidance card or they can pick one up in the Freshman Academy office. Cards should be filled out completely and returned to the office. The counselor will call students out of class to discuss their request.
When do we choose classes for next year?
The 9th grade students will meet as a group in the spring to select electives for the next school year. Current teachers will recommend placement in academic courses.