Dear Parents,
This year, Winter Haven High School is committed to making a special effort to ensure that all students fully benefit from their education by attending school regularly. Student attendance is an essential first step in helping students to learn. In addition, compulsory attendance is also a state law, governed by authorities and enforced by school districts. Regular school attendance has proven to be the leading indicator and predicator of higher academic achievement. This year, WHHS will fully implement a school wide attendance and make up work policy which adheres to the Polk District schools policy.
WHHS Attendance policy:
“Strive for under Five” unexcused absences is our goal for all students. We understand that circumstances and challenges do occur. In the event of an absence, please submit documentation to excuse the absence. Proper documentation includes: medical notes, official funeral notices, and court. Parent notes will be accepted for up to ten (10) missed days. Parent notes must include student’s full name, student ID number, parents full name & contact number, and parent’s signature. All documentation must be turned in within ONE week of returning to school.
Attendance notes can also be submitted via email to [email protected].
*This year, students with more than FIVE (5) unexcused absences will NOT be permitted to attend the homecoming dance or Prom. *
WHHS Make up Work Policy:
Students are allowed to make up work for ALL excused absences. Students have the number of days absent, plus TWO additional days to submit their work.
For unexcused absences- each semester, students will only be allowed to make up work for the first THREE (3) unexcused absences (this includes OSS). After three (3) unexcused absences, make up work will be denied. Students are allowed to make up work for all excused absences.
Please share this information with your student and help us partner with you in your child’s academic success.
Thank you parents and Go Blue Devils!